17 Dec Foot Reflexology Techniques
Reflexology is a therapy in which pressure is applied on various zones or reflexes on sole and the top of the foot. Each reflex or zone represents a corresponding area of body. By stimulating the reflex the corresponding organ of the body is stimulated through reflexology.
Therapists claim that the reflexology therapy can help someone get relief from tension, improve their blood circulation and lymph circulation, and promotion of healing by activating the immune responses of the body. It can also help to reduces stress, soothe inflammation and improve existing chronic ailments.
There are different types of reflexology techniques
Vertical Reflex Therapy
The Vertical Reflex Therapy was founded by Lynne Booth. She is a graduate of IIR in the UK. Lynne’s method includes the patient standing and the therapist treating the dorsal (Upper) part of the foot.
This technique worked better than traditional reflexology because a weight-bearing foot is more sensitized then the relaxed foot.
Gentle Touch Method
Sue Ricks developed Gentle Touch Reflexology in the UK. Based on conventional reflexology but done with a lighter touch. Therefore in this there is no manual stimulating of the reflexes with pressure.
With the Gentle Touch Method the feet are worked alternately and not consecutively, so the body remains in balance.
Hot Stone Method
In this technique warm basalt pebbles are utilized in combination with reflexology techniques. The warm stones are also positioned on the body at various points to ‘open the energy pathways.’
Practitioners say that the warmth from the stones helps with relaxation. Sometimes the stones are also used cold to promote healing.
Precision Method
The base of Precision Reflexology is an Oriental philosophy. It states that a man is part of the web of nature and that the human body reflects that web.
The reflexes are considered as connected with each other. A significant part of precision reflexology is done by balancing the body systems through touching more than one reflex at a time.
Ayurvedic Reflexology
Ayurvedic Reflexology is a combo of conventional reflexology; Ayurveda techniques (it is a traditional healing system from India, where the movement of hand follows the direction of pranic energy), and the application of essential oils chosen as per the needs of the patient. Often a warmed, brass bowl is gently applied to the feet. This treatment was developed by, Sharon Stathis, in Brisbane, Australia.
Rwo Shur Reflexology
A Catholic priest Father Josef was a missionary working in Taiwan. He was severely suffering from rheumatoid arthritis in his knees. A colleague of his suggested reflexology.
At that time there were no reflexology practitioners in Taiwan, so Father Josef researched reflexology through books and applied the techniques himself. He used to do a deep stimulation technique functional with his knuckles. It was extremely painful. However, after 2 weeks the arthritis was gone. He shared his new-found knowledge with the people of Taiwan.
Unfortunately, his successful practice and school was closed by the government of Taiwan. Eventually Father Josef was authorized to carry on his work in a restricted hospital setting.
Metamorphic Technique
The Metamorphic Technique is based on the spine reflex that runs along the hands, feet and head. It’s a calming method and patients are encouraged to sleep at the time of treatment. Therapists claim that it is a good option for unsettled babies and young children. In this technique pressure is not used; instead, a light touch is applied.